Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bad Dreams Ruin My Days

Sometimes affliction is brought on by your own stupid thoughts when you're eating dinner alone on a Saturday night. But sitting here, thinking of the Australian Spring and how much I miss my friends is kind of ridiculous since I'm the one who made this happen. I will get rid of these alienating emotions. Plan of attack? There is no plan of attack. The plan was always to have no plans and I guess that is what haunts and excites me at the same time. I'd like to say I'm not homesick but all I want right now is a jar of Vegemite and an impromptu hang out at a pub.



  1. all i want right now is to hop on a plane and meet you over there

  2. Awww *hugs* I will happily send you a jar of vegemite if you like.
